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FAQ: how to stay Healthy&Skinny ?

By 1:49:00 PM

I am going to be doing this blog about a year now, and I have never tried such a type of the blog post as FAQ or Frequently Asked Question. I am challenging myself from now on for the next week or so to write more posts, and the first thing I membered who asked me lastly about me or my lifestyle was How I Stay in a Good shape and health. This is one of the most comfortable topics for me as now I am very sure about Do and Don't about food, and here I share my routine.

First of all and the most important thing is to follow the QQ-rule
Quantity and Quality. 
You can eat whatever you want( if you don't have the allergy to some products or something like this) if you will eat the exact amount that fills out your stomach and let it digest easy and fast. Yes, of course, you should avoid combining meat and bread, or another dangerous combination is potato with meat. I don't eat meat (or very rarely and occasionally like once a year or so) and I follow this concept that you can eat meat but only if you will be able to kill that animal( that is somewhat «new» paleo way of eating which is very controversial and has it's own followers and haters). If you are still on your way to perfect weight, I would suggest using waist trainer as it will tight your stomach and will not allow you to overeat. But then later on when you will stabilize your weight it will not be necessary. Link to the article about Waist trainer here.

So, first was quantity. Second Quality. Yes! You are what you eat, and I was always saying eat. If I know that the product is not okay, or meal contains harmful ingredients I will definitely not eat it. Even if I will be hungry as hell.

And as an additional kind of rule, the Timing! Yes, it is crucial to let your gut work with food and do not put anything else there at least next three or better four hours while it is completely digested. Otherwise, you just putting to much work for your stomach and food is digesting not properly. And this is one of the causes of excessive fat in the body.

And even when you are following all the rules properly, give yourself a break sometimes! Once a week or two make a Cheat day and eat whatever you want and how much you want. Celebrate your weekly effort because that will give you motivation for the next week.

Take care,


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  1. Great tips. I try to choose the best quality and organic food when I can. I like the idea about the cheat day.

    - Anna

  2. I do agree you should have some cheat days, even when you're trying to achieve some goals! It's feels so rewarding and relaxing

  3. This is great and much needed. I've got to shed about 10 lbs because of back issues. I need to eat better and follow your rule.

  4. Cheat meals are always need it. Thank you for sharing this!

  5. It can b so hard to keep eating healthy!! I know once I slip up it can be a struggle to get back on track.

  6. I like the idea of cheat day, Thanks for sharing this awesome tips.

  7. I definitely agree with these pointers, it's all about what you're eating and how much you're eating. I think it's good to plan your meals and research as well, so that you can find a diet that works for you.

  8. A lot of people think that limiting yourself from certain types of food will help you lose weight faster, but that's not always the case. It's all about portion control. This post of yours makes a lot of sense!

  9. What great pointers. If your eat real food it's pretty hard to not be over weight

  10. Quality is the best. It is always important to choose the best for your body.

  11. Quality is a great idea! I'm glad you found something that works for you.

  12. What a great tips for a healthy skin living. I agree with your article. Thank you for sharing.
