13 LifeHacks before move to NYC
A small lyrical introduction
russian edition HERE
Once upon a time in September 2009
I had already arrived for the first time in the USA( Washington, DC) and did
not even think, and never dreamed that someday I will live in New York.
Of course the TV- shows “Friends” and “Sex and the City” was a cult in a
certain period of time for everybody in the World I guess, regardless of age,
particularly for me, they appeared just in time of my formation as a Girl,
Lady, Person.
Movies “When Harry Met Sally”, “Godzilla”, “Superman” and many others
fictions, where the architecture of the city is shown in all its glory, and
often with a bird's-eye view.
Movies “Devil's Advocate”, “Sweet November”, “Limitless”, “The Devil
Wears Prada”, “PS I love you”, “Breakfast at Tiffany's” … continue?!)
In general, all these images and scenes have been firmly planted in my
subconscious during my childhood, glossy magazines are constantly flashed the
New York streets, Broadway, Central Park, Brooklyn, the Bronx and etc.
As a consequence, slowly but surely, the city has become synonymous with
a dream, life breakthrough, freedom and achievement plans.
Once arrived in the 2009th on the 24/7 glowing Times Square,
walking through all these avenues and parks I had the strong feeling that I am
in the scenery of a very-very promising film, now ignite spotlights and
"motor-camera- forward" - you're a star.
It turned out, when I actually moved here, it is not so easy and simple
yet( though as always.)
First, it was totally unexpected, I was not ready for this and intended to
leave it on the shelf "unrealized
dreams". So to say that was something to dream. And if not for my friend
who moved here a few years earlier, and if it were not my boyfriend, who moved
here to work, of course I would not dare
even to think about it.
That was the first thing. Second and third and fifth and tenth: this
city is very hard and tough and crystallize character very fast. Either you
become stronger and staying here or leaving licking your wounds. Like Moscow,
but I grew up in Moscow, took place and prove myself who I am. And here you
need to get to do it again, but only three times more powerful and
I did not have much choice (to be led by weakness or growl and go by
force): my love is here, my heart is here, and therefore everything is here.
Just say to yourself, "I'm strong and I stand it..." Yes, but
what nerves. And the disruption and pimples on the face and wounds on the soul.
We are with my beloved decided to get married, and I even could not
imagine that it will separate me for such a long time with my loved ones and
family and sisters, brothers, nieces . By the way, if you love a person with American
citizenship, as I learned later, it is better not to get married in the United
States. It is easy to explain: there are too many applications, and employees
simply do not have time to deal with all documents in time.
Having decided to move here most of all I was worried about how much to
take clothes, shoes, bags and other rubbish and junk things. In fact, it was
necessary to think seriously about where to find a few kilos of exposure, ten
thousand pounds of patience and perseverance.
I decided to write this article as a result of my one-year stay in the
city of dreams and share with you my Legacy life hacking and what-where-when.
So, what you need in this crazy, incredible city, the center of gravity
of everything.
1. Hat
(this is of course the most important thing!)
Yes, that's it))) a lot of people lives here in NY, I must say. And
regardless of whether you believe in the existence of such things as energy or
not, sometimes you really wanna hide yourself from everybody. There are many
options: the hood, headphones, cap, glasses. I like the hat!
For my taste best store is located near Bedford station,
2. Vintage Stores
So, as I mentioned, I brought a lot of things, paid through the nose for
extra baggage and .... A year later, I can soberly assess the situation and
recognize that most of the things I wore once or hardly twice.
Here in New York there is trully alive the spirit of the hippies. And
thus the vintage shops are stunning! Their number and variety will surprise
I was a snoby at first and did not really like the idea of buying and
wearing other people's things, I refer to this idea very skeptical. But it must
be said that New York City for the most part is a kind of transshipment point
though of course someone is here for years and even forever. But the idea of
the rental and leasing of furniture makes sense because here especially all
temporarily. And the same with the clothes.
It is already common knowledge that to mix old and new, different styles
- that's true (if not the only one) enjoy the fashion industry.
And even more so in New York, where every visitor counter and where the
mix of everything in the air.
The list of my favorite vintage shops can be found here.
And applications for vintage furniture and clothes Wallapop, Poshmark, Craiglist.
3. Boundless patience or unlimited credit card
4. New York - heaven for vegans
So I came here as vegan. But alas, if your husband - italian, you can
safely forget about it. Moreover it is absolutely impossible to stay away from
all the variaty of delicious food here. In the evening, the most delicate
salmon baked in the oven, the paste from which all taste buds soar to the skies
and soar up there with the angels ... It is best not to resist, to surrender
the weapons, remove the ammunition,
expose your taste buds -à and
-Enjoy – enjoy – Enjoy-
Although deep down I'm still vegan and from time to time arrange trips
to Healthy Stores (list here), my arsenal of essential food basket is rich with
omega Chia seeds, and nuts for every taste and color, and rice rolls, in which
periodically i twist quinoa with avocado, raw cocoa and chocolate ... In the
morning, I still torture my husband with fresh juices and with my own
three-phase system of proper and healthy start of the day (link here).
Well, though cooking at home you will not (especially at first time ) is
not be so interested.
After all, the New York – huge restaurant dining mall, the center of
attraction of gourmets and lovers to eat a lot, tasty and different. Here you
can find all the best cuisines from the whole world. So “boring” is definetly is not the right word for this area. Not so long ago, I starting yelp, I invite
you to get acquainted with a list of my favorite restaurants and places in
general HERE
Here you can find article about places for coffee, for breakfast, for
lunch/brunch and dinner in the Big Apple, vegetarian and vegan options will
also be included, which I will upgrade every week.( I will make this post as soon as possible guys!)
5. Eataly
If you're like me crazy about Italian food, high-quality tomato sauces,
different kinds of olive oils, pastas, cheeses and other products for the
preparation Italian dishes, then go on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 23rd
Street. In addition to the products and anything that just might come handy in
the kitchen, you can enjoy a real Italian ice cream, excellent bric-oven pizza, five restaurants in total and a rooftop Birreria. We can talk endlessly about benefits of
visiting this place, but it is better to come and see with your own eyes and
try and feel and feel yourself yummy-yummy.
By the way on this place can be found more than three thousand useful reviews on yelp.
6. Trader Joe's
Initially, when the routine is still not absorbed you, your shopping process does not include
watching price. There are various Whole Foods and Food Emporiums looks like
paradise, you can wander for hours searching new products. But when the weekly
basic basket of products is formed, favorite brands and determined "new-
is well forgotten old", after months of the leakage of money begin to look
closely to the price, consider options for trips to markets in Brooklyn or home
delivery. Then you remember that there are all over the city strange people
with a brown paper bags with an inscription Trader's Joe and once you pay a
visit to cheer. Delight has no limits, everything is fresh, excellent quality
and .... twice or three times cheaper. The truth is there are always line on
the counter. But honestly, it's worth it. And my favorite item over there –
japanese ice cream Mochi.
7. Transport
Subway? The most optimum variant is unlimited monthly card. Right here
do not suffer even buy Fast MetroCard and to constantly throw money. Price
issue cards on $ 116 a month.
A bike? Citybikes! And no headaches where to park and repair if something
happens. So 130 $ a year.
Taxi? Uber. Or Lyft.
I do not recommend GetTaxi, their service is unbelievable.
Although the first year i lived next to Grand Central and first time did
not use subway at all and just walked, walked, walked and enjoyed the city.
8. Smart fit- bracelet
And as a result of walking-walking-walking, you can walk too much.
Especially if in addition to that you have three times a week running, swimming
and once chronic dependence on yoga. I for myself have found a great bracelet,
a pedometer, and a smart alarm clock that lets you wake up at the most
appropriate stage of your dream.
9. Insurance
No matter what period you are coming to New York, the insurance is a Must.
I can you give an my own bad example.
Upon arrival I got an monthly insurance as a tourist. Six months later,
I caught somewhere infection and after three days I was suffering with high fever
and conjunctivitis. I had to go to the hospital and got checked in a month $
Do you need this problems?
10. Healthy pancreas for drinking Starbucks
I never was a fan of coffee. But NY is 100% coffee –city.
Eventually I start to drink coffee every damn morning and a month or so
later I have noticed bags under my eyes.
Now I am trying to drink twice per week and my eyes look much better.
11. A smile and a thank you / sorry
Be prepared that the people here are nice and responsive and ready to
help. While it is true as the fact that like attracts like. And as a
consequence You are a lovely and kind, are and will surround you. "Share
your smile, and it surely will come back to you again."
Once I came out of the subway with yoga-mat and was totally messed up
which direction to move. The woman herself asked for help, watching me suffering
with Google maps app and she even went with me halfway to yoga-studio because I
could not understand her)
12. Meetup
Moved, and no friends or want
Application Meetup makes it easy to find people with similar interests.
Singing, art, philosophy, book reading, exploring the city, design,
sport…. Anything!
13. What else?
1 - crosses for running, preferably several pairs, because you will also
use them everyday as a favorite shoes.
Shop on Union Square Paragon sports 867 Broadway
2 – little purse in front, backpack with a Mac, a little black dress and
stilettos for the evening behind (because even while living in the heart of
Manhattan in 10 minutes, life is so saturated that you do not want to spend
time in the blank)
And first and second can be safely combined together)
Here, at every step are Blow-out hair bars and nail services. So during
a break between meetings or on a lunch break, you can spend time there.
App TodayTix offer the best Broadway performances with discount.
What else?
Best massage therapist Andy in Golden Zheng 40 $ / 1h in China-town.
With a time I start avoid Times Square.
Don’t judge me.
Only if its your first time I would suggest you to go there.
But be prepared to hate this place till the end of time.
And now you are going around town with Eataly and Trader’s Joe paper bag
with sticking out Kale salad and
freshest loaf, in the other hand a brown paper bag from Bloomingdales, and now
finally feel yourself like a local in this city. Wearing stylish hat, with
Roaring Katty Perry in the headphones and a little bit more and you go to make
in the nose piercing Septum and diy your hair in Pink.