The Biggest Reasons Why Your Diet Always Fail?
How many times we decided to start a new life from that mythic Monday? We carefully prepared the plan, schedule our daily calories, weekly exercises and …? Couple weeks later at midnight we found ourselves trying to find an answer and excuses in front of the fridge.
Well, we all have been there.
The University's Journal of Clinical Psychology reports that mostly all Americans will fail in keeping their promises about new healthy way of eating and providing their bodies with highly nutritious and full of vitamins meals. So how bad is it? Just ten percent will succeed, and ones who will win this hard game with Diet will not read this article. But the good thing there is always Next Year? Huh.
Recently I went through the very rough day. Woke up at six, lots of stress and moments where you have to make the right and only decision. I also went to kind of interview with fancy-fancy Interior Designer, worldwide famous with printed projects in such influential magazines as Architectural Digest, etc. Long story short, they pushed me down to the floor and show me my «real» place. Well, that is what they do. And instead of coming back home at the end of the day and recovering myself as usual in front of Mr.Fridge I transformed this energy into something else… I went to the gym and was running an hour and here what I got while my reimbursing.
First, I think I always fail in my perfect diet because my ego does not let me reach the goal. Yes, exactly like this. I had analyzed the each and every moment when I failed in my diet and can surely tell that I make the same mistake every time. Right, when I almost win I give up. There is excellent Chinese phrase « The darkest moment of the night is right before the dusk».
Second, how about stress situations and remembering to transform this evil energy during the day. Simply we cannot sometimes face some adverse conditions likewise jealousy, envy, anger, etc. And instead of turning it into something productive we are filling ourselves with all this junk food, alcohol, and candies in front of TV.
Third, once a week deep relaxation. I have faced this Rule of Thumb in many traditions. Likewise, Jewish people used to turn off themselves from an actual world on every Saturday. In Indian culture, people choose one day per week for fasting considering what they want to improve in their life. For example, Monday is Moon day and therefore everybody who intends to jump into another level in family life giving up with the food and any activities exactly on Monday.
So it is 4th May and I will try to follow these new instructions and will get back to this topic a month later to see the results!
Ouh yeah, and of course I will keep wearing my waist trainer that will not allow me to overeat and keep my back straight.